I'm always looking for information that will enable marketers to justify budget for social media and online community activities. I think we are finally getting to the point of better measurement of social media initiatives which  puts us in a much better position than we were in 2-3 years ago. Of course, it's a double-edged sword because with the current economy, EVERYTHING is in question. I think that if marketing executives look at the results that they achieve - results that impact the bottom line - with the right pieces of the social media pie, they can quickly recognize the value.

I just read the "Get to the Point" newsletter from MarketingProfs entitled, "I Just Came to Hang Out" which has some really great insights about the results that marketers can glean from their efforts: finding the right decision-makers, lead generation, buyer research, and client outreach are just a few of these. Check it out...there is no telling when you might need to pull these bullets out of your hat.


3/2/2009 05:17:25 am

Concepts like "mind share" and "ambient awareness" can make intuitive sense, but can be hard to measure.

But think of it this way: which is more valuable: 100,000 impressions or 1,000 loyal Twitter followers?

Would you rather have 100,000 impressions or the names and contact information of 1,000 people who attended a webcast about your topic?

Lead generation with social media is about quality over quantity.

Fortune 500 companies can pay for television and print, and placement in the supermarket aisles.

But social media allows the smaller business to combat national branding with microcelebrity.


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    Renay Picard

    Marketing professional with a passion for finding new ways to grow the brand and further the cause of thought leadership.
    I live in the Boston area with my husband and 2 wonderful kids. I am also a working mother and connect with others for advice and the expansion of resources for all working mothers.

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