I just came across this great Ning community site called DreamStake, a network for entrepreneurs to connect and share ideas. Very interesting. It's still pretty small but it claims to be highly facilitated and seems to have some interesting topic categories.

The founder commented out on LinkedIn that LI is very broad in scope and encourages people to check out DreamStake. I believe that each of these sites accomplishes separate goals in the world of social networking. Each is beneficial; LI is a great way to connect with business professionals and then connect to others in their networks. But I don't necessarily view it as a place where everyone doles out advice or visits to get advice from their respective networks. It is really a great way to gain referrals and see "who's who" by industry, company, etc.

DreamStake differs in that there are thought leaders and members who ask questions and impart their expertise to others. It is a way to share and gain information. This is in addition to the ability to gain access to others in the network.

The bottom line is that they are both valuable, just in different ways.


    Renay Picard

    Marketing professional with a passion for finding new ways to grow the brand and further the cause of thought leadership.
    I live in the Boston area with my husband and 2 wonderful kids. I am also a working mother and connect with others for advice and the expansion of resources for all working mothers.

    View my profile on LinkedIn


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